Boost Your Marketing Skills. Build Your Confidence.
The Women Who Market Club is a welcoming, collaborative community focused on connecting women with training, like-minded people, and growth opportunities.
Marketing Club
We're a Marketing Club Committed to Helping You Find Your Gift, Your Way.
Words from Our Members
WWM has been a true gift! Alina has mentored & helped me grow by sharing her expertise, working on projects together, and connecting me with educational resources. I am so grateful for the tools that WWM has given me on my journey!

Te quiero agradecer por tu metodología, la sencillez en la que explicas los temas y los términos que usas son fáciles para toda clase de público. Muchos éxitos y deseo seguir aprendiendo mucho en Women Who Market

It was such a great opportunity to work with Alina and gain rich knowledge about digital marketing. It has really helped me understand the skills it takes to be successful.

Total gratitud para Alina y Women Who Market por compartir sus valiosos conocimientos y experiencias. La invitación es para que puedan disfrutar este maravilloso regalo al máximo, es un curso que pueden hacer de forma individual o hacerlo en familia, pueden escoger el horario que más se adecue a sus necesidades, no se requiere conocimiento técnico previo sobre el tema y el lenguaje del curso es muy claro.

I started a business and didn't really know too much about marketing. Alina and Women Who Market have been a treasure of knowledge for my business. She is a great teacher and she does a great job of breaking down marketing so that everyone can understand. There are so many pieces to marketing and Alina has simplified it so that anyone can learn the tools needed to market in today's marketing world. I would highly recommend that if you're looking to improve or learn how to market your business or idea then Women Who Market should be your first call.

Stop Doubting Yourself and Dare to Start your Growth Journey
Want to make a career change? Take a chance on that big idea? But at the same time struggle with self-doubt and lack of confidence? Are you hesitate to take that first step?
Women Who Market is an empowering community where you can learn marketing skills, connect with other women, and rely on an encouraging support system. Women Who Market helps you every step of the way on your journey of growth.
You’re Invited to Our Next Women Who Market Day
This day is all about connecting you with knowledge, people and opportunities that can guide you toward your biggest goals. We explore marketing, mindset and business topics that lead to progress. We meet the 18th of every month.
Hola! I'm Alina
As the founder of Women Who Market, I use my passion for education and marketing to inspire more women to enter and succeed in the professional world. Women who, like me, don’t always know which way to go, but know they want to better themselves.